Mind & Spirit
5 secrets of high-energy women

Mind & Spirit
5 secrets of high-energy women
There are some women that seem to be able to do it all, and even more annoyingly, do it all well. You see them in the grocery store chattering on their cellphone, a shopping basket in one hand, a happy, obedient child in the other. Considering the amount of energy it took for you to even make it to the grocery store in the first place, it just seems unfair. How do they do it? Where do they get their energy?
To shed some light on this modern day phenomenon, we tracked down a few of those busy, yet efficient women and got them to spill the beans. If you want to be able to do it all too, try a few of their tips:
1. Make a list
Any efficient woman will tell you that writing down your to-dos is a must. Jennie, a marketing coordinator who volunteers on three committees in her spare time, finishes each workday by writing out a list of what she has to accomplish the following day. "It helps keep me accountable," she explains. "Seeing it written down in front of me means it will never slip to the back of my mind and my priorities." Lists will keep you on track, provide a clear regimen for each day and keep you from feeling overwhelmed by what seems like a mountain of tasks. Plus, crossing something off your to-do list is so satisfying, isn't it?
2. Work out
It may seem crazy to try and cram still more into your day, but it's worth it. Though it seems like exercise would only serve to tire you further, it really has the opposite effect. Lauren, studying for her master's degree and working part time, says working out in the morning keeps her energized. "It jump starts my day and I'm not as tired." The endorphins -- aka "happy hormones" -- released through exercise also decrease stress. It's a one-two punch: more energy, less stress. Off to the gym!
3. Make "me" time a priority:
Michelle often works six-day weeks in her job as an automotive sales consultant and says she has to be flexible, so that she is always available when the customer is available. Once a month, she books an afternoon at the spa, where she can't be disturbed by anything work related. "Nothing else interferes with my 'me' time," she says. "And because I get that time, I'm able to give more to clients."
4. Have something to look forward to
Because she works such long hard hours, Michelle also schedules three one-week vacations each year. She says her fiancé, who also works long hours, shares her work-hard, play-hard philosophy. "It makes working so hard worthwhile, when you know it's not too long before you get a break again. It's just long enough to rejuvenate us." Michelle and her fiancé have planned trips to Mexico, Florida and Hawaii. Knowing you were due a little fun in the sun would make those endless workdays breeze by.
5. Eat well
Nancy, a full-time mother, says her energy slumps when she forgets to eat proper meals. "Running around after my two-year old and five-year old doesn't leave me much time to myself, so I'm mostly grabbing something on the run," she says. She noticed that processed snacks, like salty rice cakes and crackers and candy and chocolate gave her a temporary rush, but only led to her feeling exhausted and bloated. She says that eating smaller meals consisting of veggies and cheese or peanut butter had her in top kid-chasing form. The lesson: just because it's fast doesn't mean it's what your body needs. Take a few minutes to plan your meals in a more Canada Food Guide-friendly way and your energy level will soar.
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