To The Core: 8 At-Home Ab Exercises

Photography, Jonathan Borba,
To The Core: 8 At-Home Ab Exercises
Your core muscles support your entire body, bolstering everything from strength and stability to breathing and balance. Working your abs can even improve your digestion—all great reasons to show those muscles some love. These eight at-home exercises will get you started. Your core muscles support your entire body, bolstering everything from strength and stability to breathing and balance. Working your abs can even improve your digestion—all great reasons to show those muscles some love. These eight at-home exercises will get you started.
The boat

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.
From a seated position, straighten the spine and draw the belly button in. As you lean back on, or just beyond the sit bones, use your hands to lift your legs so your calves are parallel to the floor. Extend the arms forward parallel to the floor. Hold for 20 seconds to 1 minute.
Side Plank

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.
From a modified side plank position, extend one leg then the other out to the side, placing one foot in front of the other for better stability. Inhale to raise your pelvis toward the ceiling and extend the arm above the head. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat on the other side.
Modified side plank crunches

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.
Starting upright on your knees, contract your glutes and abs. Exhale to bring the right knee to meet the right elbow. Inhale to return to the initial posture. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.
Starting in tabletop position (knees in line with hips and wrists in line with shoulders), step the feet back hip-width apart into a plank. Draw the belly in, engage your glute muscles and lengthen through the spine. Hold for 5 deep breaths.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.
From tabletop position, inhale and simultaneously extend and lift the left arm forward and right leg back. Engage the abdominal muscles and keep your spine straight. Repeat 10 times, alternating sides.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.
Begin by lying on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift your head and shoulders off the mat and bend your legs, bringing knees in line with hips. Extend one leg out at 45 degrees as you bring the other knee in toward your chest. Twist your core slightly to touch your opposite elbow to bent knee. Repeat 10 times, alternating legs.
Scissor kick

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.
Lying on your back, stretch your legs toward the ceiling and point your feet. Lift your head and shoulders off the mat and engage your abdominal muscles to stabilize the spine. Holding your left leg with both hands, lower your right leg until it's almost touching the floor. Maintain this position as you alternate legs. Repeat 10 times with each leg.
One hundred

Photography, Bruno Petrozza.
Start by lying on your back and lift both legs up toward the ceiling. Keeping your back flat on the ground, lift your head and shoulders off the mat and lower the legs slightly to make a 90-degree angle. Reach your arms alongside your body, palms down. Inhaling, pump your arms up and down for a count of five; repeat while exhaling for a count of five. Repeat 10 times for a total of 100.
Marie-France Pellerin is a yoga, pilates and meditation instructor. For more exercises, visit her virtual studio, Namasté & Coco Latté. Namastecocolatte.Com | @Mfpellerin

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