Improve Your Posture with These 8 Easy Exercises

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Improve Your Posture with These 8 Easy Exercises
Many of us carry tension in our shoulders, whether from spending too much time on our phones or simply from the stress of daily life, and it can cause our bodies to take on a hunched posture. If this sounds like you, try these exercises to strengthen your arms, shoulders and back.
Reverse plank

From a seated position with legs stretched out in front, place your hands flat behind you, fingers pointing toward the body. Inhale as you lift the pelvis toward the ceiling. Exhale to return to the floor. Repeat 8 to 10 times.
Sphinx pose

Lying on your stomach, place your forearms flat on the floor, elbows under your shoulders. Lengthen the neck, draw the shoulders away from the ears and point your feet. Exhale and bend the right leg, bringing the heel toward the right glute and pulse twice. Inhale to return the leg to the floor. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
Dolphin pose

From sphinx pose, turn the toes so they press into the floor and lift your body into plank position on the forearms. Exhale to walk your feet toward your arms and lift the pelvis to form a v shape. Inhale and return to forearm plank. Repeat 5 times.
Cat-cow pose

Start in tabletop position, wrists under the shoulders and knees under the hips. Inhale to curve your spine and bring your head up. Exhale and draw the belly button in, arching your back and extending the movement from the pelvis through the neck. Repeat 5 times.

Begin lying on your stomach, lengthening through your neck with the arms extended forward. Inhale to raise your right arm and left leg. Exhale and return the arm and leg to the floor. Repeat 10 times, alternating limbs. For a more advanced option, simultaneously lift both arms and legs off the floor and flutter your limbs as if you were swimming.
Baby cobra

Start on your stomach with your forehead on the floor and hands on either side of your chest. Inhale to lift the head and chest. Exhale as you return to the floor. Engage the muscles of your back to ensure there is almost no weight in your hands. Repeat 10 times.
Knee push-ups

From plank position, lower your knees to the floor. Inhale as you bend the elbows and bring the body closer to the floor. Exhale to return to plank position on your knees. Repeat 10 times.
Tricep dips

From a seated position with bent knees, place your hands flat behind you, fingers pointing toward the body. Lift the pelvis toward the ceiling so your body is parallel to the floor. Exhale to bend the elbows. Inhale as you extend your arms. Repeat 8 to 10 times.
Marie-France Pellerin is a yoga, pilates and meditation instructor. For more exercises, visit her virtual studio, Namasté & Coco Latté. Namastecocolatte.Com | @Mfpellerin
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