7 Canadian fitness and wellness celebs you need to follow on Instagram right now

7 Canadian fitness and wellness celebs you need to follow on Instagram right now
Which Canadians should you follow on Instagram for health inspo? We found ones who will inspire and motivate you. Plus, we find out what they eat for breakfast, the exercise they can't live without and lots more.
Instagram is a guilty pleasure. In fact, 46 per cent of Canadians admit to checking it daily, according to research. But it can cause more guilt than pleasure. A British study shows that Instagram can evoke more negative feelings than other platforms, including bad body image and anxiety. But if you're not ready to give up Insta-ing just yet, consider filling your feed with a diversity of Canadian women who can inspire, educate, empower and motivate you to be your healthy self.
Roxy Earle, Toronto, rumour has it mid-30s
The reality/Instagram star and plus model regularly shares the realness of being a woman in the spotlight, as well as her innermost struggles.
So, refreshing
She often talks about online trolls. "In the past 24 hours, I've received an unbelievable amount of bullying," she tells her followers. "Here's what I'm going to say to you guys. Your words really matter. I might be able to call me a fat disgusting pig, but somebody else can't." She encourages her taunters to be compassionate and kind to others, so that they don't push someone to the edge literally.
Swim fan
On Roxy's profile, there is no shortage of lingerie and swimwear. But there's lots of fitness gear too. She's uploaded exercise videos as she crushes the treadmill, shows off a HIIT workout, and a boxing challenge. She also leads the viral hashtag #MySizeRox, encouraging women with all body shapes to post a photo that shows them feeling their best selves.
Lisa Le, Toronto, 28
Vegan is anything but boring, to this Instagrammer. Self-dubbed a vegan feminist nerd, Lisa is also a photographer and food blogger.
Standing out from the vegan crowd
Vegan Instagram accounts typically go one of two ways: realistic and boring, or overly styled vegetables that likely require a ring light and a sous chef. But Lisa balances both beautifully – and with some unexpected delectable treats, including iced donuts and fried mushroom calamari. Drool.
Recipe box
The best part of her account: See something that makes your mouth water? Tap the link in her profile to click through to recipes of the foods she posted. And many of them are healthy, and others are real indulgences. Her videos are energetic and easy to follow. You'll want to save these to your Instagram Collections.
Sangita Patel, Toronto, 39
As the host of ET Canada and HGTV Canada's Home To Win, Sangita Patel shares her glam life in front of and behind the camera—and her cell phone of course. She is a beacon of positivity and good energy.
The TV presenter isn't just in good shape. Sangita is verifiably athletic. Every Tuesday she posts a #fitnessTuesday video, leading us through her WOD. "I can do one more," you can catch her saying. Although she's always been active, she admits to advancing her workouts so that she can now do heavy weight snatches, double-unders, hand-stand push-ups and more.
Momma bear
Expect a good dose of motherhood realness. Sangita openly shares the struggles in parenting, especially in dealing her daughter's skin issues with eczema and allergy testing.
Rose-Marie Swift, Vancouver, 63
This acclaimed makeup artist has as much cred as the celebs she makes up. From Gisele Bunchen to Olivia Wilde, celebrity fans adore her. She has star-coveted organic beauty line called RMS beauty—Miranda Kerr swears by her Lip2Cheek balm. The account is for her beauty line, but you'll also find posts from Rose-Marie herself.
Natural beauty
For Rose-Marie, a natural look isn't just about organic cosmetics, skin care and beauty supplements. "I like to keep it simple, and clean and healthy," she says. "We don't need all that makeup on. It looks great on Instagram, but my god." Her recognizable look is glowy, dewy skin (thanks to her hydrating Living Luminizer balm), flushed cheeks and a bold red lip.
Dear RMS
Amidst messages about the virtues of organic ingredients and respecting our planet Earth, Rose-Marie offers uplifting advice and mantras.
Kim Vopni, Port Moody, BC
Raise your hand if you forget to do Kegels. If you follow Kim Vopni you'll never forget again. The certified personal trainer, restorative exercise specialist and Pilates instructor shares graphic reminders like "You up for a little Netflix and Kegel?" and "Have you flexed your PC muscle today?"
PC appropriate
As women, we're often told to be our own health advocates, especially around pregnancy, post-partum and menopause. That's when our bodies can change dramatically, because of hormones. But Kim's posts break down these times and how it can affect lady parts. But the daily posts are more like mini lessons that can actually empower you in the doctor's office. (Heads-up: there are regular posts for products she sells.)
Women's strength
You might think an Instagram account about the vagina would be limited to down below. But actually, Kim posts full body workouts—lots of squats—and tips about how all muscles are connected. It's true: The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone!
Jessica Mulrouney, Toronto 38
Jessica Mulrouney is E Talk's Ben Mulrouney's wife—but you probably know her as Meghan Markle's BFF and stylist. But she's also an Instagram star with a solid following. Her profile is a blend of fashion with mom life, and healthy foods with instense workouts.
Stress release
The workout she couldn't live without? Boxing and sparing. "This workout is by far my greatest stress release and I can't recommend it enough." She also does lots of TRX, barre and Pilates. Check out her Instastories regularly for workout inspo.
Family dinners
Her daughter Ivy, 4, often steals the show with her silly jokes and sweet dimples. Jessica cooks with her three children (twins Brian and John, 7) in Instagram videos, and it's pure adorable.
Trudie German, Toronto, 35
If Trudie was your exercise partner, you'd never miss a workout. She's super positive and has lots of energy. And her soft Jamaican accent is so soothing, you could listen to her all day. She's a personal trainer who works with clients online.
Ask anything
Trudie does regular Instagram Lives, answering anything and everything about her regime, from diet and nutrition myths to cardio versus weights. She's very interactive and never holds back on advice. Her fans are loyal because she's so honest.
Best breakfast
Smoothies are a must every day for Trudie. Her favourite: Banana, peanut butter, coffee, cinnamon and vanilla chai protein powder. And as her solid abs suggest, it's working for her.