Health & Fitness

What makes you happy? And a chance to WIN

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

What makes you happy? And a chance to WIN

41hnxnnpfcl_ss400_Weather forecasts that predict temperatures in the double-digits. Rolling up a winning rim. Knowing there's still a chance that the Ottawa Senators will make the playoffs. These things make me happy. What puts you in a good mood? Let us know about three simple things that make you glad for a chance to WIN the great new DVD, Power Yoga for Happiness 2 with Eoin Finn. For a chance to WIN, just Subscribe to This Blog and post a comment to let us know three things that make you happy. You have until Tuesday, March 23 to let us know. I'll announce the winner here on Wednesday, March 24.


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Health & Fitness

What makes you happy? And a chance to WIN
