Health & Fitness
The latest weight-loss secret: breakfast

Health & Fitness
The latest weight-loss secret: breakfast
Today, I ate a chocolate for breakfast.
There was a whole box of them sitting on the kitchen counter, beckoning me with their sexy, mysterious fillings. I was powerless to resist their charms.
Although I was able to eat just one, I felt like I was being personally scolded when researchers reported (even more) evidence today that breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day.
The findings, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, support past studies that found that breakfast eaters are less likely to be overweight — and that eating a high-quality breakfast, rather than mindlessly mashing a chocolate into your greasy gob, is the key.
Using data from a national health survey of U.S. adults, researchers found that people who ate lower-calorie foods for breakfast tended to have a higher-quality diet over all.
Unfortunately, the study reported no findings about slackers with no willpower who start their day off by eating crap. I can only presume that they tend to be fat and sad over all.
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