Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 42 - YOU DID IT!

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 42 - YOU DID IT!

[caption id="attachment_285" align="alignleft" width="173" caption="Yes!"] Yes![/caption] Hello fellow Campers and welcome to our final day of Boot Camp! Time to step on the scale, whisk out the measuring tape or slip into your skinny jeans and evaluate your progress. Did you lose a few pounds? Are you down a few inches? Do your clothes feel a bit looser? Are you feeling more energetic? Are you proud of yourself? You should be! Six weeks is a long time to embrace a healthy lifestyle — it's long enough for habits to form and hopefully some of your healthy Boot Camp habits will become life-long routines. Tell us about your progress, what you've achieved, and what you liked best about Boot Camp! And don't forget to sign up for Canadian Living's Bikini Boot Camp, which launches May 4. In the meantime, the weekly Health & Wellness Club e-newsletter (which will automatically replace your daily Boot Camp e-newsletter) will bring you weekly updates on how to maintain your weight loss and healthy living habits, and the Health & Wellness Club blog will continue to help you connect with your fellow readers and bring you great contests. Now it's time to give yourself a pat on the back and put your feet up. YOU DID IT.


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Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 42 - YOU DID IT!
