Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 38 - Lots of winners, plus another chance to WIN!

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 38 - Lots of winners, plus another chance to WIN!

On Day 9, I asked you to share five quotes, quips, mottos, sayings or personal stories that inspire you for a chance to win these four fantastic books by Michael F. Roizen, MD, and Mehmet C. Oz, MD:
  1. You: Being Beautiful
  2. You: On a Diet (revised edition)
  3. You: Staying Young
  4. You: Having a Baby
Congratulations to our winner, Ann, who says: "Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. - 
Albert Einstein If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Know put foundations under them. - Henry David Thoreau Inspiration and genius — one and the same. - Victor Hugo To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that which says: Leave no stone unturned. - Edward Bulwer Lytton If you would create something, you must be something. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe" On Day 31, I asked you to tell us what important piece of wisdom you learned with age for a chance to win a great selection of books, including:
  • The G.I. Diet Menopause Clinic: A Week-by-Week Guide to Coping with Middle-Aged Spread, by Rick Gallop
  • Fit and Fabulous After 40: A 5-Part Program for Turning Back the Clock, by Denise Austin
  • Start Fresh! Your Complete Guide to Midlifestyle Food and Fitness, by Diane Clement and Dr. Doug Clement
  • The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest, by Dan Buettner
Congratulations to our winner, Rose, who says: "I turn 50 this year, and I have spent a lot of time reflecting . . . But I think the single most significant thing I have learned is that I am entirely responsible for my happiness. I cannot "earn" it from someone else. It is a slight change in perspective but it has made all the difference to me." And now . . . a chance to WIN! With Boot Camp wrapping up on Sunday, I want to hear about how you plan to continue to stay in shape and eat great! Five lucky winners will each WIN a complimentary four-week experience at Booty Camp Fitness, a national women's-only boot camp that promotes fun, friendly fitness. Each prize is valued at $159. For a chance to WIN, just Subscribe To This Blog and post a comment telling us about how you plan to stay in shape after Boot Camp ends. You have until Tuesday, March 2 to let us know. I'll announce the winners here on Wednesday, March 3.


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Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 38 - Lots of winners, plus another chance to WIN!
