Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 24 - And the winner is . . .

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 24 - And the winner is . . .

On Day 16, I asked you to tell us how you combat excuses, and I am totally inspired by our winner's entry! Isabelle says: "I was a pro at excuses!! I decided to make myself a motivation booklet in order to combat these. First, I wrote down my goals and objectives, then I wrote down all the benefits of being healthy (eating right and being physically active. On the few pages after that, I listed all the excuses I have as well as all the obstacles I see. As soon as I find (or make up) a new excuse I write it down there. Then, I made a collage that says: THIS IS NO EXCUSE!! And wrote down motivational quotes and stories for many of the other pages. Sometimes, I simply need to read the goals page to motivate me again. Sometimes, I need to read the whole excuses page to remind me that there is no good excuse for not being healthy. Finally, on really bad days, I read the whole motivation section and usually by that point, my excuses seem completely irrelevant and I am back on track for that training session or to put aside junk food!" Isabelle has won:
  • The Easy Fitness Work Book: The Complete Fitness Class in a Book, by Lorna Lee Malcolm
  • Fat to Skinny Fast and Easy! Eat Great, Lose Weight, and Lower Blood Sugar Without Exercise, by Doug Varrieur
  • A pair of Banglz ½ pound weighted bracelets to add resistance training to her daily routine
I'm ready to start working on my own motivation booklet tonight! Right after dinner. And a nap. Ooh, and after I watch American Idol. And check my email. But after that, I'll definitely get to it . . .


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Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 24 - And the winner is . . .
