Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 19 - And the winner is . . .

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 19 - And the winner is . . .

lifeOn Day 11, I asked you to share your reasons for wanting to lose weight for a chance to win one of two copies of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life, by David Grotto, RD, LDN, courtesy of David and the California Strawberry Commission. Congratulations to our winners, Lara and Michelle. Lara says: "I have always been heavy. My parents are heavy, grandparents too. I knew I was overweight but always felt I loved food too much to be able to do anything about it. I would do crazy 800-calorie diets but the best I could do was like a few days before I fell off the wagon. Recently, however, my husband's little sister got married, and after seeing the pictures of myself I was horrified. I have hit rock bottom. I have committed to working out at lunch with some women from work, and walk for one hour after work every day. On top of that, I am eating healthier, and having grapefruit for dessert instead of chocolates. In addition to my appearance, I have developed sleep apnea, which affects every aspect of my life. People that don't have it have no idea what it is like to be tired every waking moment. This has added to my clinical depression/anxiety disorder, so that I am pretty much a mess. I have resolved to do something about it, and although my clothes aren’t feeling looser just yet, I have faith that I can keep this up until they do." Michelle says: "My main reason for getting in shape and losing weight, while gaining muscle was simple...I decided I was finally going to be selfish! Ever since I got married and had children I've always done everything for everyone else, never thinking that I wasn't throwing a preserver around my own waist to save myself. After reading a story about Tosca Reno (my heroine), I decided that it was time for me to take care of ME and love ME. So here I am, a year later, loving my new body, my new strength, my new muscles, and knowing my body is truly my temple and the only shot I have in this world at being healthy. And my kids are picking up on my healthy eating and lifestyle as well as my husband, who finally lost the extra 30 lbs he's had for years. Now his health is better than it was in his 20's. Yay for ME and being influential!"
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Health & Fitness

The Boot Camp Diaries, Day 19 - And the winner is . . .
