Health & Fitness

Results of the Canadian Living Nutrition Survey

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Results of the Canadian Living Nutrition Survey

Nutrition Survey The old saying goes, “you are what you eat.” And research keeps telling us that there is some truth to that. So we decided to poll our readers about what they’re eating to help discover some of the nutritional feats and fails happening at dinner tables across Canada, and to help you learn how your meals measure up. This week, the results of the 1st Annual Canadian Living Nutrition Survey are debuting online (check out our infographic with the results). So I wanted to celebrate three of the great ways that our readers are eating right. Nutrition survey   1. An amazing 95% of you eat breakfast! That’s great news because, as well all know, it’s the most important meal of the day. You also gave us some great breakfast ideas. Your most unlikely healthy ingredients to enjoy in the morning? Pumpkin and avocado! 2. Canadians’ #1 snack? Fruit! Eating a variety of fruits will supply you with a wealth of vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients. For example, grapes contain resveratrol that may help you live longer, blueberries have antioxidants that are good for the heart, raspberries have phytonutrients that might protect against certain cancers and apples contain soluble fibre, which can lower bad cholesterol. 3.  Almost everyone polled eats salad at least once a week; 21% of you eat it every day! That’s important, because greens are filled with folate, fibre and antioxidants. Want to make you salad even healthier? Try switching up your regular lettuce for kale, spinach or cooked turnip greens.  


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Health & Fitness

Results of the Canadian Living Nutrition Survey
