Health & Fitness

Healthy reading roundup

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Healthy reading roundup

Here are some health and nutrition-related posts and articles I came across this week. Happy reading! Family reads the newspaper • Over at the "I Will Eat Better" Diary, Jen Melo challenges us to take one (or all!) of her healthy-eating challenges. It's a good reminder of the small steps you can take to overhaul your nutrition. • The Globe and Mail highlights the importance of being positive. So next time you're Debbie downing through your day, remember that remaining positive may increase you longevity. I CAN run 5km. I CAN pass on dessert. I CAN get that report in on time. • Yoni Freedh0ff 0ver at Weighty Matters reminds us that changes takes time. Some have been quick to dismiss caloric displays on menu boards as ineffective, but Rome wasn't built in the day! Those who want to make a nutritional change may find the information useful, and may be on their way to changing their diet. • Awesome healthy recipe of the week: tasty White Bean and Squash Soup from Canadian Living. Have you come across any exciting health reading this week?


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Health & Fitness

Healthy reading roundup
