Health & Fitness

Health book winner!

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Health book winner!

Congrats to tvialls! You've won the suite of fabulous health books. Tvialls said: "I signed up for the challenge in order to getting back in shape after having my baby initially.  However I realize now that I need to stay healthy while breastfeeding and I have 2 teen daughters that are looking at me to make the right food choices.  I will be proud not only to regain my figure but to have incorporated healthy habits for my whole family." These great health books will certainly help you and your family keep on track once the Slim-Down is over. Here's a reminder of what you've won: • Pilates Practice Companion, by Alycea Ungaro • Carrots 'N' Cake: Healthy Living One Carrot and Cupcake at a Time, by Tina Haupert • Eat Your Way to Sexy: Start Losing Weight in Just 7 Days!, by Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. AND • The Obvious Diet, by Ed Victor Don't forget to sign up for the 6-Week Slim-Down today. It's not too late!


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Health & Fitness

Health book winner!
