Health & Fitness

Can this gadget help you train your brain and forget stress?

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Can this gadget help you train your brain and forget stress?

Muse headband Wearable tech has been everywhere this year, with fitness trackers abounding. But the future has really arrived with this new gadget, called Muse, which actually connects with your brain. Muse is a high-tech brain-sensing headband that fits over your forehead and uses sensors to measure your brain waves and send the information, through Bluetooth, to an app on your smartphone. The idea is that with just three minutes a day of wearing Muse and using the app, you can train yourself to calm your brain and better deal with stress. First, you close your eyes and the app takes you through a session where you hear a beach breeze. Your main goal is to clear and calm your mind of all the noise going on within it. When your mind is clear, you'll hear gentle waters, but when worries creep in, the wind picks up to remind you to refocus. Meanwhile, the Muse headband monitors the activity in your brain to tell you, after your session, about the amount of activity going on while you’re trying to calm your mind. Over the long term, you can track your progress at clearing away thoughts. When you use Muse regularly, you’ll develop skills at calming your brain that you can employ during stressful situations, without the headband. Based on techniques very similar to those used in meditation, the Muse headband, available now at Indigo for $300, promises to help you manage stress, improve your focus and improve your mental state overall. But unlike group meditation practices, the Muse technique only takes a few minutes a day and can be used in the privacy of your home. Check out the video below for more information, and learn four other ways to expand your mind. [HTML1]


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Health & Fitness

Can this gadget help you train your brain and forget stress?
