Health & Fitness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month kicks off with a digital breast cancer channel

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month kicks off with a digital breast cancer channel

Rethink Breast Cancer has recently launched a boob-tube for breast cancer awareness. While it's clear boobs are the topic of discussion, these videos have loads of interesting and informative tidbits about everything before, during and after cancer treatment. Live Laugh Learn Rethink breast cancer Some of the videos include:  Each of the women featured in the videos talks a bit about their cancer experience and then shares helpful information about ways they dealt with different aspects of the disease. "We know that young women facing breast cancer have different challenges than older women and want to be spoken to in their own voice," says MJ DeCoteau the executive director or Rethink Breast Cancer. "These days that communication is happening online and by utilizing a digital platform to share compelling stories and helpful tips we are able to foster this conversation and reach an even wider audience of young women." Check them out all the videos here at  LiveLaughLearn and also on  YouTube. Rethink is also launching  Cancer Fabulous Diaries   a new print and online  ‘zine.

 This personal memoir meets practical handbook is based on the diary of Sylvia Soo, a woman diagnosed with breast cancer at 25 who chronicled her experience with breast cancer on her site Find out 10 things you didn't know about your breasts and breast cancer here. October is the perfect time to spread the word about breast health to all the women (and men) you know.


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Health & Fitness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month kicks off with a digital breast cancer channel
