Health & Fitness

Blue Monday: Take the N+TC challenge

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Blue Monday: Take the N+TC challenge

Today is what the experts call "Blue Monday", the most depressing day of the year. It's true—it's cold, dark and basically depressing as hell. But the best way to fight those blues in my opinion (or at least the healthiest) is to get moving. And luckily for you, it's also the start of  Nike Training Club week. Beginning today, Nike wants you to commit to one N+TC workout per day for the whole week. I'm doing it and I'm looking forward to a good burn. Will you?

How can you join in? Download the N+TC app and commit to doing one workout every day this week. If you're in Toronto, you can also have brunch at the Sound Academy with Canada’s NTC Master Trainer, Eva Redpath. You'll get to sit with her at a VIP table (and do a workout with a new Fuelband SE) by sharing your results online. Join in by posting a screen grab of your workout on the Nike Training Club Facebook and comment “COUNT ME IN” in the comments section. Then use the hashtag #NTCFit. According to an Ipsos Reid poll this year, 75% of Canadians make annual resolutions and the number one objective is to lose weight. And this is the time of year when your resolution starts to wane. So get moving! Here's some of the workouts Nike recommends this week:
    • Monday – Spencer O’Brien
    • Tuesday – Ab Burner
    • Wednesday – Leaner Legs
    • Thursday – Better Butt
    • Friday – Shawn Johnson stretch
    • Saturday – Carmelita Jeter
The N+TC app has downloadable and customizable workouts and lets you hit goals and levels. Plus, did we mention it's free? Read more about the N+TC app here.


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Health & Fitness

Blue Monday: Take the N+TC challenge
