Health & Fitness

Bikini Boot Camp will launch May 4!

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Bikini Boot Camp will launch May 4!

Hi gang, Many of you joined me in January for Canadian Living's super-duper-fabulous Boot Camp — a free, six-week program that jolted us into living healthier and looking great in the new year through daily e-newsletters, expert advice, online fitness videos, daily blog posts, fabulous contests, a Boot Camp menu and more. Well . . . I am excited to announce that we're going to be running a Bikini Boot Camp starting May 4! Yes, just in time to tone us up for beach weather, we'll be running another free six-week program. The daily newsletter starts May 4, but you can already sign up for it here. We'll also have fresh experts to offer you advice in our forums, a brand-new six-week Bikini Boot Camp menu, a slew of great new contests and more. Stay tuned for updates, and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter!


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Health & Fitness

Bikini Boot Camp will launch May 4!
