Health & Fitness

Actress Marilu Henner wants to spread the word about bladder leakage

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

Actress Marilu Henner wants to spread the word about bladder leakage

You don't often hear celebrities talk about sensitive bladders (I guess it's not that sexy?) but Marilu Henner isn't afraid to talk about anything. The celebrity author and actress is going out of her way to spread the word about bladder leakage. Marilu Henner How did she get so passionate about the topic you may wonder? I wondered too, so I asked her and here's what she said: "I have a daily radio show called The Marilu Henner Show and it's about kids and show business. We did a segment on people having sensitive bladders and I had no idea that one in three women have this issue. They are so reluctant to talk about it. They feel that it holds them back from exercising or travelling or having sex and I'm a girl that isn't afraid to talk about anything so I figured let me go out there and talk about it and not make it such a taboo subject." According to statistics, one in 33 women in North America aged 18 to 75 have a sensitive bladder. Marilu is also spreading the word about a new product on the market,  Always Discreet, designed to help women manage their sensitive bladders. "I'm not embarassed to talk about anything," she says. "Knowledge is power." What are some of the common reasons that women have urinary incontinence?
  • Vaginal childbirth can weaken your pelvic floor muscles (the sling of muscles in your pelvis which support your uterine organs)
  • High-impact exercise is a factor (Did you know that triathletes have a higher risk of incontinence issues?)
  • Age, menopause and excess weight can also be factors
Others may suffer from bladder sensitivities for a variety of medical reasons. Always talk to your doctor if you're experiencing bladder issues before self diagnosing. And we've got more info that can help: Do you pee when you exercise? We've got some advice. Learn more about your pelvic floor and how to strengthen your pelvic floor with our workout video!  


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Health & Fitness

Actress Marilu Henner wants to spread the word about bladder leakage
