Health & Fitness
A fab guest post - and a chance to WIN!

Health & Fitness
A fab guest post - and a chance to WIN!
As a special feature today, we have a guest post from Canadian Living web editor and author of the Green Living column, Daniela Payne:
I think it was around New Years when I resolved not to eat sweets throughout the week. I decided I would allow myself to indulge on the weekends, but throughout the week all cookies, brownies, cake and other tasty delicious goodies were off limits. Tough one, right? Turns out I don’t have much self-restraint. Though I’m good some weeks, others I find myself rubbing my belly after devouring half a dozen of my boyfriend’s mother’s unbelievably tasty brown-eyed orange bars (oh, and you think you could resist this chocolaty orangey temptation?).
I was beating myself up over my weak disposition the other week when the perfect solution came to mind: store all sweets in the freezer. Whenever my boyfriend’s mom drops of a container of cookies, they go straight into the freezer. Or, if I have some leftover dessert from the weekend – in the freezer it goes. You know what? As soon as it goes in there, I don’t ever think about it. As the saying goes: Out of sight, out of mind.
How do you keep your nutrition resolutions or goals on track? Any tips and tricks you follow to make sure you don’t cheat on your diet? Share you tips for a chance to win one of two great DVDs:
• Reebok Cardio Tone: Cardio Bursts and Toning for Maximum Calorie Burn
• Reebok Bootcamp: Explosive Moves & Sculpting for Maximum Fat Burning
You have until July 12 to leave response here. I’ll announce two winners on Tuesday, July 13.