Health & Fitness

5 ways to get your beach body ready for the summer

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

5 ways to get your beach body ready for the summer

Hello friends. Though it's still March, we're all dreaming of summer. And if you're anything like me you've started to wonder how you're going to knock off a few extra pounds before putting on your swimsuit at the cottage this summer. Never fear! Our friend Michelle Cederberg, a healthy-living guru, is here to share some awesome tips with us. Read on for her 5 ways to get your beach body ready for the summer. [caption id="attachment_2513" align="aligncenter" width="284" caption="Michelle shares some tips on how to get your body ready for swimsuit season"] [/caption] It's March, so why am I blogging about methods for getting your beach body ready when most of the country isn't really thinking about summer? My thoughts are still focused on how to combat helmet head and look my best at aprés ski, but I'm also planning for my April destination wedding. I'll be packing my bikini, so I've started on my path to 'bikini-ready-bliss' and I thought I'd share my tactics with you: 1. Up exercise intensity Do daily short, intense bouts of exercises like stair running, jumping jacks, toe-ups, burpees, and split lunges to boost your metabolism and really burn those calories. Do exercises for one or two minutes each and rotate through for 15 minutes. Work at a level safe for your fitness level but don't be afraid to push yourself a bit out of your comfort zone. 2. Focus on strength Resistance training helps you burn calories, gain lean muscle mass and tighten up your muscles so they look even more appealing at the beach. A good 'all-over-body' routine is best, but it won't hurt to focus a bit more on your abdominals, arms and shoulders. Strength train your whole body with just 5 exercises twice a week. To view my 'full body 5' video go to, enter 'FULLFIVE' into the free dose of energy now keyword box and follow the steps. 3. Chew wisely Your bikini-ready body is asking for a little food discipline, please. Make an impact on your weight-management by increasing exercise and cutting back on sweets, unhealthy fats, and unnecessary snacks. As much as possible choose fresh fruit, vegetables, brown rice, fish and lean meats instead of processed or pre-packaged food. Notice the difference on your waist-line and your energy levels. 4. Sip smart We consume a lot of unnecessary calories through the liquids we drink each day so sip smart. Replace sodas and juices with water, and minimize alcohol consumption - at least during the week. 5. Sleep well Sleep deprivation is a form of stress and if you're always tired you may be holding on to stress related weight. Good sleep will give you better energy through the day, decrease stress and stave off stress-related eating. Get to bed 30 minutes earlier each night. Minimize high-intensity TV or work-related emails before bed so you're not over-stimulated. Create a routine that puts sleep as a priority and feel the difference in mind and body. Even if you don't have plans to put on a bathing suit any time soon you'll still feel the benefit of taking action with your health and vitality in small steps.
Guest-blogger Michelle Cederberg is a certified speaking professional, Co-Active life coach, health expert and author of Energy Now! Small Steps to an Energetic Life . With a masters in kinesiology, a BA in psychology, and a specialization in health and exercise psychology, Michelle combines mind, body, and practicality to inspire change. Learn more at


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Health & Fitness

5 ways to get your beach body ready for the summer
