Health & Fitness
5 tomato health benefits plus 6 tasty tomato recipes

Health & Fitness
5 tomato health benefits plus 6 tasty tomato recipes
There's no denying that it's tomato harvest season. Every time I go to the garden, I come back with a bag full of white, red, black and yellow tomatoes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. These tomatoes are some of the tastiest I've ever eaten. Seeing as I can't share some with you for a little taste, I am posting a photo of some of this morning's harvest. You'll also see a little baby green pepper and a few fish peppers (they're only a little spicy). We all are enjoying an abundance of local tomatoes this time of year, and you know what? It's a good thing. Tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods you can eat!
Read on for 5 tomato health benefits. [caption id="attachment_1885" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Tomatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner ..."]
5 tomato health benefits
1. Tomatoes contain
lycopene - a phytonutrient believed to have cancer fighting benefits. Lycopene has been proven to play a role in preventing colorectal, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreatic cancers. It can also help prevent heart disease. According to
WHFoods, organic tomatoes and ketchup deliver a substantially more lypcopene than their non-organic counterparts.
2. One cup of tomatoes deliver almost 58 per cent of the daily recommended amount of
vitamin C. This vitamin helps your body fight infection, increase your iron absorption, maintain the health of your connective tissues, improve your skin, and reduce stress.
3. Tomatoes also contain a good amount of
vitamin A, helping your skin, eyes and immune system stay healthy.
4. They're a good source of
fibre, keeping your cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check.
5. They also contain
vitamin K, which help maintain the strength of your bones.
Did you know • Phytonutrient means plant nutrient • Lycopene helps give tomatoes (and watermelon) their red colour • Tomatoes are native to South America • They're a fruit • 130 million tons (!) of tomatoes were produced worldwide in 2008 • China is the largest tomato producer • There are about 7500 varieties of tomato • You're not supposed to store tomatoes in the fridge (they lose their flavour AND nutritional value) • The heaviest tomato ever grown was close to eight pounds
6 tasty tomato recipes If you have a bumper crop of tomatoes (or you just love them to death), you're most likely trying to figure out what to do with them. Here are some delicious options:
Baked Tomatoes
Golden Gazpacho
Just-Like-Momma's Pasta Sauce
Canned Tomatoes
Tomato Salad with Crushed Croutons (from Smitten Kitchen)
Tomato Basil Cream Pasta (from Oh She Glows) Pass me the tomatoes!!
Do you love tomatoes? What's your fave way to eat them?
