Health & Fitness
5 reasons why radishes are good for you plus 5 radish recipes

Health & Fitness
5 reasons why radishes are good for you plus 5 radish recipes
You know what I've been spotting lately?
Ontario radishes. Nothing adds bite to your salad like some thinly sliced fresh radishes. They're crunchy, refreshing and spicy all at the same time! Oh, and they're good for you too.
5 reasons why radishes rocks 1. Some studies show that radish root can help lower cholesterol.
2. Radishes are high in vitamin C - and the leaves contain close to six times as much as the root!
3. They're a cruciferous vegetable, so are believed to have anti-cancer properties.
4. Radishes are a good source of potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure.
5. Radish greens are high in calcium and vitamin C. [caption id="attachment_1606" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Ravishing radishes rock! (Alliteration is way too easy with the letter "r". Seriously.)"]
Did you know? • You can eat radish greens. Simply sautee them in a little olive oil with some garlic. Delish! • The heaviest radish was recorded at 100 pounds • There are white radishes (I know. It's totally crazy!). • The citizens of Oaxaca, Mexico hold a festival every year called Noche de los Rábanos (Night of the Radishes) to honour this tasty veg. It takes place just before Christmas, and folks carve religious figures out of radish and display them in the town square (fun fact courtesy of Wikipedia).
How to eat radishes Most people enjoy radishes raw as an addition to salads, sandwiches, and veggie and dip platters. It's also quite common to lightly sautee them. Don't forget that you can also eat the radish greens - they're high in vitamin C and calcium. They're great sauteed or added to soup, and a quick search on Google told me that some folks like to juice them or add them to smoothies.
Really good radish recipes •
Quick Radish Pickles •
Red Potato and Radish Salad •
Grilled Trout with Radish Slaw •
Sauteed Radishes with Sugar Snaps and Dill (
from Smitten Kitchen) •
Tuna Pasta Salad with Spinach and Radishes (
from Joy the Baker)
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