Health & Fitness

5 reasons peas will boost your health (plus 4 pea recipes)

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

5 reasons peas will boost your health (plus 4 pea recipes)

I've already picked some snap peas from my garden, and look forward to harvesting more. But I must confess, they never make it inside - I eat these sweet suckers straight from the stem, shell and all. They're irresistible! It's a good thing the taste so darn good, because they're also incredibly good for you. Read on for 5 reasons why you should add peas to your diet. [caption id="attachment_1691" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Precious peas are simply delish!"] Precious peas are simply delish![/caption] 5 reasons why peas are good for you 1. Peas contain phytonutrients - natural properties found in fruits and veggies that help boost health. Some studies show that including peas in your diet along with other legumes on a daily basis can help lower your risk of stomach cancer. 2. These above-mentioned phytonutrients will also provide you with a good dose of antioxidants. 3. Oh, and anti-inflammatory properties. 4. And, a phytonutrient thought to be present mainly in green peas (called Pisum) may help lower your risk of type-2 diabetes. 5. Peas are high in vitamin K, helping with blood clotting, protecting the bones and fighting off liver and prostate cancer. Did you know • Peas are a legume • Canada grows over 3 million tons of peas each year • Canada is the largest producer and exporter of peas in the world • India is the largest importer of peas • One serving of peas contain more vitamin C than two apples (Fun facts from 4 ways to enjoy peas Three-Pea Salad Shrimp and Pea Risotto Pea and Arugula Soup Sauteed Peas with Mushrooms & Green Onions (from Seasonal Ontario Food)


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Health & Fitness

5 reasons peas will boost your health (plus 4 pea recipes)
