Health & Fitness

5 Health Myths Women Should (Mostly) Ignore

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

5 Health Myths Women Should (Mostly) Ignore

by Guest blogger Natasha Singh Some myths are easily dismissed, even downright laughable. Yet others seem to take off and become regarded as truth. So I chose five common health myths pertinent to women and set out to find if they were true, false or entirely rubbish. Myth #1: Using your laptop on your lap can cause infertility Ruling: “Partly True” What the experts say: This one is partly the media’s fault. A study was conducted on this matter in the journal Fertility and Sterility and news outlets jumped on it like sperm on an egg. See what I did there? Never mind. The study showed that using a laptop on your lap increases scrotal temperature, which can damage sperm, but there’s no hard evidence to suggest that it affects overall fertility. Reuters reported the real story.

  Myth #2: Having another drink can cure a hangover Ruling: “Absolute Rubbish” What the experts says: I know this will be crushing for those of you who love an early morning Caesar, but you are doing nothing to cure last night’s bad decisions. Plainly said, there is no way that drinking more alcohol can cure a hangover. So far, the only proven cures are water and moderation. Turn to Intelihealth for more about curing hangovers.

Myth #3: Chewing gum will stay in your stomach for seven years

Ruling: “Absolute Rubbish” What the experts say: This rumour probably started because someone misunderstood the actual fact that humans can’t digest gum. Humans don’t actually possess the digestive enzymes to break down the gum base and absorb it. But it doesn’t hang around in our stomach for the better part of a decade. It gets excreted with everything else. For the complete scoop, read what Duke Health experts have to say.   Myth #4: Drinking Mountain Dew lowers  sperm count Ruling: “Absolute rubbish” This lovely myth continues to pervade high schools even today, leading to the breakdown of society, otherwise known as “16 and Pregnant.” It started when someone said that yellow dye number five or Tartrazine, which is found in Mountain Dew, lowers sperm count. If that’s the case, better start cutting out Doritos, skim milk, butter, Kraft macaroni and cheese, assorted candies and boxed cereals and here’s the kicker—beer. Medicinet tells it like is is. Myth #5: Putting toothpaste on a pimple will dry it up Ruling: “Partly True” What the experts says: Toothpaste is a common home remedy for acne because most types contain Triclosan, an antibacterial ingredient. When you apply toothpaste to a pimple, it will effectively kill the bacteria with the added bonus of leaving your face minty fresh. However the pimple won’t go away completely and toothpaste also contains other ingredients that can inflame the skin and cause even more redness. Find out more about acne. What's the craziest health myth you've heard lately? – by Natasha Singh


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Health & Fitness

5 Health Myths Women Should (Mostly) Ignore
