Health & Fitness

10 ways I'll remind myself to stay on track this Halloween

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

10 ways I'll remind myself to stay on track this Halloween

Happy Halloween to all my healthy friends out there! I love Halloween - and it's not because I get to dress up, carve a pumpkin, roast pumpkin seeds or hand out candy to cute neighbourhood kids - it's because I get to rummage through the Halloween candy box from the store and pick out all the Coffee Crisp chocolate bars, and unconsciously devour them all IN ONE EVENING. And then I'll feel gross and guilty for a good 24 hours. And I'll kind of hate myself for a little while because I'll have just derailed myself from good nutrition track. Does this happen to anyone else? [caption id="attachment_2077" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Coffee Crisps will be the death of me!"] Coffee Crisps will be the death of me![/caption] Here are 10 things I'll keep in mind tonight to keep me from overindulging as I'm handing out Halloween candy. 1. The more chocolate I eat, the more chocolate I crave. It's like it undoes all my hard healthy-eating work! 2. Sugar highs rock, but sugar lows sure suck! 3. My teeth will sing from all the sugar and feel furry. Gross. 4. The calories will go straight to my hips. 5. Eat dinner before I hand out candy - that way I'll be too full for chocolate (right?). 6. Remember that I bought the candy to hand out to the kids, not to eat all on my own. 7. Invite my sister over to help me hand out candy. Maybe I won't eat as much junk for fear she'll judge me? 8. Remember that I'm in control. 9. Give the left overs to my partner to polish off. I'm sure he'll finish them up before end of day tomorrow! And for some reason the chocolate never seems to go to his hips. Grrrrr. 10. Allow myself to select 4 of my fave mini-sized treats to enjoy - two for tonight, and two for tomorrow. I'm allowed to treat myself a little bit. How do you try to stay in control when you have a bowl of Halloween candy starting you in the face?


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Health & Fitness

10 ways I'll remind myself to stay on track this Halloween
