Grilled Chicken with Strawberry Balsamic Sauce

Author: Canadian Living

from Times Columnist June 22 2008 - Erik Akis

  • Portion size 4 servings
  • Credits : Pat Hannah



Brush chicken with oil, season to taste with salt and pepper. Place vinegar, shallots,ginger,brown sugar & tarragon in small pot & bring to simmer over med-high heat. Simmer til vinegar reduces by about 1/2 & becomes syrupy. Add stock/cornstarch mixture, return to simmer, & simmer 3-4 minutes. While sauce comes to simmer, grill chicken @ med-high heat for 3-4 minutes per side, or until cooked through. When sauce has simmered 3-4 minutes, mix in strawberries, cook 2-3 minutes more or until strawberries have softened slightly. Divide chicken among plates, spoon over the sauce and serve
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Grilled Chicken with Strawberry Balsamic Sauce
