Tired of the same old vegetables on your table? Try this medley of the season's finest root vegetables. A simple roasted garlic vinaigrette adds flavour while preserving the natural sweetness of each vegetable. Use a high-quality heavy baking sheet for roasting the vegetables because it holds an even heat and helps give them a nice golden colour.
- Portion size 12 servings
- Credits : Canadian Living Magazine: October 2012
Peel and chop rutabaga into 3/4-inch (2 cm) cubes; place in bowl. Slice top from garlic to expose cloves; add to bowl. Add parsnips and carrots.Halve and seed squash; cut crosswise into 3/4-inch (2 cm) thick slices. Place in separate bowl. Trim onion, leaving root end intact; halve and cut each half into 6 wedges. Add to squash. (Make-ahead: Cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours.)
Mix together 3 tbsp of the oil, thyme, bay leaves, salt and pepper; divide in half and toss with each bowl of vegetables.
Place garlic, cut side down, on baking sheet; surround with rutabaga, parsnips and carrots. Bake in 425ºF (220ºC) oven for 15 minutes.
Arrange squash and onion on another baking sheet; bake, stirring once and switching and rotating sheets halfway through, until vegetables are golden and tender, about 45 minutes. Discard thyme and bay leaves.
Using tongs, squeeze garlic into large bowl; whisk in remaining oil and vinegar. Add all vegetables; toss gently to coat. (Make-ahead: Cover and keep warm for up to 1 hour.)
Nutritional facts Per each of 12 servings: about
- Fibre 3 g
- Sodium 168 mg
- Sugars 7 g
- Protein 2 g
- Calories 118.0
- Total fat 5 g
- Potassium 531 mg
- Cholesterol 0 mg
- Saturated fat 1 g
- Total carbohydrate 19 g
- Iron 7.0
- Folate 16.0
- Calcium 6.0
- Vitamin A 26.0
- Vitamin C 35.0