This elegant ending can wait comfortably in the freezer. Serve on chilled plates so the souffles don't melt too quickly. (From "Dinner to Remember" in the January 2006 issue)
- Portion size 4 servings
- Credits : Canadian Living Magazine: January 2006
Line bottom of four 1-cup (250 mL) ramekins with parchment paper rounds. Cut four 13- x 5-inch (33 x 12 cm) strips of parchment paper; fold in half lengthwise and line inside of ramekins. Set aside.
In large heatproof bowl, whisk together egg yolks, 1/4 cup (50 mL) of the sugar and orange liqueur. Place over saucepan of simmering water; whisk until pale yellow and batter falls in ribbons when whisk is lifted, about 4 minutes. Let cool.
In bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form; beat in remaining sugar, 1 tbsp (15 mL) at a time, until stiff peaks form.
In another bowl, whip cream. Fold one-third into egg yolk mixture; fold in remaining cream. Fold in one-third of the egg whites; fold in remaining egg whites. Fold in chopped kumquats. Spoon about 3/4 cup (175 mL) into each ramekin; smooth tops. Cover and freeze until firm, about 8 hours. (Make-ahead: Freeze for up to 2 days.)
Garnish: Place chocolate in heatproof bowl. In small saucepan, heat cream until bubbles form around edge; stir into chocolate until smooth.
Run knife around each ramekin to loosen paper; pull souffles from dish. Remove paper base. Set souffles on chilled plate; remove paper collar. Drizzle with chocolate; garnish with kumquats.
Nutritional facts <b>Per serving:</b> about
- Sodium 69 mg
- Protein 8 g
- Calories 567.0
- Total fat 34 g
- Cholesterol 229 mg
- Saturated fat 19 g
- Total carbohydrate 63 g
- Iron 14.0
- Folate 13.0
- Calcium 10.0
- Vitamin A 30.0
- Vitamin C 35.0