This savoury chicken has a hint of sweetness and is delicious with grilled potatoes and skewers of baby vegetables.
- Portion size 4 servings
In large glass dish, combine sauce, orange concentrate, chili powder, vinegar, orange rind, garlic, salt and pepper; add chicken, turning to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours, turning occasionally. (Make-ahead: Refrigerate for up to 12 hours.)
Reserving marinade, place chicken, skin side down, on greased grill over medium heat; close lid and cook for 20 minutes. Turn and brush with reserved marinade; cook for 25 minutes or until no longer pink inside. (Refrigerate 2 of the breasts until cold; wrap and refrigerate for up to 2 days.)
Nutritional facts <b>Per serving of 4 (without skin):</b> about
- Sodium 443 mg
- Protein 34 g
- Calories 255.0
- Total fat 8 g
- Cholesterol 103 mg
- Saturated fat 2 g
- Total carbohydrate 12 g
- Iron 9.0
- Folate 6.0
- Calcium 3.0
- Vitamin A 15.0
- Vitamin C 32.0