- Portion size 4 servings
- Credits : Canadian Living Magazine: September 2009
In bowl, whisk together 2 tbsp (25 mL) of the lime juice, 1 tbsp (15 mL) each of the coriander, mint and fish sauce, oil, chili pepper and garlic. Add chicken, turning to coat. Let stand for 10 minutes.Place chicken on greased grill over medium heat; brush with any remaining marinade. Close lid and grill, turning once, until juices run clear when chicken is pierced, about
10 minutes. Let cool before thinly slicing.
In clean bowl, combine remaining lime juice, coriander, mint and fish sauce, mayonnaise and sugar. Add chicken; toss to combine.
Divide among tortillas; sprinkle with onion and top with lettuce. Fold in sides and bottom; roll up. Place on grill; cook, turning once, until wrap is slightly crisp and grill-marked, about 3 minutes.
More thai-style chicken recipes:
Nutritional facts Per serving: about
- Sodium 1166 mg
- Protein 32 g
- Calories 469.0
- Total fat 17 g
- Potassium 479 mg
- Cholesterol 97 mg
- Saturated fat 4 g
- Total carbohydrate 45 g
- Iron 32.0
- Folate 56.0
- Calcium 6.0
- Vitamin A 9.0
- Vitamin C 15.0