Black Bean Croquettes

Photography TANGO | Food Styling Éric Régimbald | Prop Styling Luce Meunier

  • Prep time 15 minutes
  • Total time 30 minutes
  • Portion size 4 servings
  • Credits : Canadian Living Magazine



Preheat oven to 375°F. In food processor, pulse beans, eggs and chili powder until mixture is chunky, about 20 seconds. Transfer to bowl. Add 3/4 cup of the breadcrumbs; season with salt and pepper. Mix until sticky dough forms and mixture holds together. Using your hands, form twelve 1/2-inch thick croquettes. Place remaining breadcrumbs on deep plate; season with salt and pepper. Dip each croquette in breadcrumbs, pressing lightly to adhere.

In large nonstick skillet, heat 2 tbsp of the oil over medium heat. Add half of the croquettes to skillet and cook, turning halfway through cooking time, until beginning to brown, 2 to 4 minutes.

Transfer to baking sheet. Repeat with remaining croquettes. Transfer baking sheet to oven and bake until croquettes are hot, 6 to 8 minutes. Sprinkle with cilantro, if using. Serve with salsa, and salad, if desired. 




Be sure to pat beans very dry in order to achieve a mixture that holds together properly.


Nutritional facts PER 3 CROQUETTES about

  • Iron 4.4 mg
  • Fibre 10 g
  • Sodium 375 mg
  • Sugars 3 g
  • Protein 15 g
  • Calories 410
  • Total fat 18 g
  • Cholesterol 95 mg
  • Saturated fat 3 g
  • Total carbohydrate 47 g
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Black Bean Croquettes
