Answering the question "How does your garden grow?" has never been sweeter or more spectacular. If you like, add a seed packet and trowel to your "garden."
- Portion size 12 servings
- Credits : ©
View large image of Window Box Cake.
Grease sides of 13- x 9-inch (3.5 L) cake pan; line bottom with parchment or waxed paper. Set aside.
In small bowl, whisk 3/4 cup (175 mL) of the cocoa with water until smooth; set aside. In large bowl, whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Make well in centre; pour in buttermilk, eggs, oil, vanilla and cocoa mixture; whisk until smooth. Pour into prepared pan. Bake in centre of 350°F (180°C) oven for 45 minutes or until cake springs back when lightly touched. Let cool in pan on rack. Run knife around sides; turn out of pan.
Whisk remaining cocoa powder into 1 cup (250 mL) of the Butter Icing. Tint remaining icing with yellow food colouring. Cut cake in half lengthwise. Place one half on cake board or tray; spread top with 2/3 cup (150 mL) of the cocoa icing. Top with remaining half, bottom side up.
With knife, make 3/4-inch (2 cm) deep cut around top of cake 1/2 inch (1 cm) from edge. With spoon, hollow out centre 3/4 inch (2 cm) deep. Spread bottom of hollow with remaining cocoa icing. Spread thin layer of yellow icing over border and sides of cake. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until hard. Spread remaining icing over border and sides. Spread cookie crumbs inside hollow, pressing to adhere.
Garnish: With scissors, cut ribbon licorice into leaf shapes. Slice gumdrops; roll in sugar to make petals. Pierce petals with skewer; top with small gumdrop for flower centre. Push skewer into cake; press leaves into cake at skewer base. Arrange gummi worms in cookie crumbs.
Nutritional facts <b>Per serving:</b> about
- Sodium 523 mg
- Protein 6 g
- Calories 634.0
- Total fat 25 g
- Cholesterol 78 mg
- Saturated fat 12 g
- Total carbohydrate 102 g
- Iron 15.0
- Folate 4.0
- Calcium 7.0
- Vitamin A 17.0