Peach Ice Cream Peach Ice Cream

Author: Canadian Living

Fruit ice creams can be made simply with ripe, juicy fruit, cream and sugar ? or, in the French tradition, with a custard base, as here.

  • Portion size 750 servings




Custard: In bowl, whisk egg yolks with sugar for 2 minutes or until pale and thickened; set aside. In saucepan, heat light cream over medium-high heat just until bubbles form around edge; gradually whisk into yolk mixture.

Return egg mixture to pan; cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 12 minutes or until thick enough to coat back of wooden spoon. Immediately strain through sieve into large bowl. Stir in whipping cream and vanilla. Let cool to room temperature. Place waxed paper directly on surface; refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until chilled or for up to 24 hours.

Peel and slice peaches. In bowl, combine peaches with sugar; let stand for about 20 minutes or until juicy. In food processor or blender, pur?peaches to make about 2 cups (500 mL). Fold into chilled custard.

Pour into shallow metal pan; cover and freeze for 3 to 4 hours or until almost firm. Break up into chunks; transfer to food processor and pur?until smooth.

Transfer to chilled airtight container; freeze for 1 hour or until firm. (Alternatively, freeze in ice-cream machine according to manufacturer's instructions.) (Ice cream can be stored in freezer for up to 3 days.) Transfer to refrigerator 30 minutes before serving.

Nutritional facts Per serving , about:

  • Protein 17 g
  • Calories 285.0
  • Total fat 32 g
  • Total carbohydrate 4 g
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Baking & Desserts

Peach Ice Cream
