Lime Profiteroles

Photography TANGO | Food Styling Éric Régimbald | Prop Styling Caroline Simon

  • Prep time 15 minutes
  • Total time 1 hour & 20 minutes
  • Portion size 12 servings
  • Credits : Canadian Living Magazine


Choux Pastry:
Lime Filling:


Choux Pastry Preheat oven to 375°F. Run a sheet of parchment paper under water for a few seconds, then blot so that it remains damp. Line baking sheet with damp parchment paper; set aside.

In small saucepan over high heat, bring butter and 1/2 cup water to boil. Remove from heat; immediately add flour and salt; stir vigorously with spatula or wooden spoon until dough forms ball and detaches from side of pan. Add eggs, one at a time, stirring with wooden spoon.

Transfer dough to pastry bag fitted with 1/2-inch plain tip (or large zip-top bag cut in one corner.) On prepared baking sheet, pipe twelve 2-inch profiteroles about 3 inches apart. Bake until profiteroles are puffed and golden, 30 to 35 minutes (do not open oven during baking time). Let cool completely, at least 30 minutes.

Lime Filling Meanwhile, in bowl, using electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat icing sugar with ricotta and mascarpone until smooth, about 2 minutes. Beat in lime zest and juice until combined, about 30 seconds; set aside.

Using serrated knife, halve profiteroles. Spoon filling onto bottom halves, then cover with top halves. Sprinkle with icing sugar and lime zest, if using.


Nutritional facts PER PROFITEROLE about

  • Calories 210
  • Total fat 15 g
  • Saturated fat 9 g
  • Cholesterol 75 mg
  • Sodium 140 mg
  • Total carbohydrate 14 g
  • Fibre 0 g
  • Sugars 8 g
  • Protein 5 g
  • Iron 0.6 mg
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Baking & Desserts

Lime Profiteroles
