Kick-the-Can Vanilla Ice Cream Kick-the-Can Vanilla Ice Cream

Kick the can 150px Image by: Kick the can 150px Author: Canadian Living

For the tastiest game around, get the kids to churn a can of ice cream inside another ice-filled can by gently kicking and rolling it around. Vanilla beans give the ice cream a real depth of flavour, and the minuscule seeds are attractive.



Don't miss our step-by-step image gallery of this recipe in our Kids Cooking section. Click to see how to assemble Kick the Can Ice Cream >>

In large heavy saucepan, bring milk, cream and vanilla beans to boil over medium heat. Remove saucepan from heat; cover and let stand to steep for 30 minutes. (If using vanilla extract, add after removing pan from heat.) Remove vanilla beans and scrape out seeds; stir seeds back into pan.

In bowl, beat egg yolks with sugar until light; stir in milk mixture. Pour egg mixture back into pan; cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened enough to coat back of spoon, 12 minutes. Place pan in ice bath to cool, stirring for first minute.

Half-fill each of two empty 500 g coffee cans with ice-cream mixture; seal lid well with tape. Place each can in 1 kg can filled with ice mixed with 1/3 cup (75 mL) salt ; seal well. Rotate and gently kick cans until ice cream is set, about 25 minutes. (Or freeze in ice-cream machine according to manufacturer's directions. Or freeze in shallow metal pan until almost firm; break into chunks, pur?in food processor then freeze in airtight container for 1 hour or until firm.)

Nutritional facts <b>Per serving:</b> about

  • Sodium 61 mg
  • Protein 7 g
  • Calories 397.0
  • Total fat 29 g
  • Cholesterol 357 mg
  • Saturated fat 16 g
  • Total carbohydrate 30 g


  • Iron 6.0
  • Folate 12.0
  • Calcium 13.0
  • Vitamin A 35.0
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Baking & Desserts

Kick-the-Can Vanilla Ice Cream
