Spring baking: rhubarb desserts

Spring baking: rhubarb desserts
After the longest winter I can recall it finally feels like spring is in the air. To me this means throwing open the windows and baking. Many people get bit by the spring cleaning bug, but I get bit by the spring baking bug. And while the rhubarb in my garden is just beginning to show it's pretty pink stalks, I've begun to see plenty of it in the grocery stores. These are just a few of the rhubarb-erific recipes I'm looking forward to baking over the next few weeks. Perhaps you'll find a new favourite too!
Rhubarb Almond Crumble Squares are tops on my list. They're the perfect combination of simple ingredients and a sweet-tart filling that will awaken both my sleepy baking skills and my taste buds.
The crunchy, nutty and sublty spiced topping on this classic
Rhubarb Coffee Cake studded with fresh rhubarb is on my list for a little Mother's Day baking session.
A hint of orange and fresh, local honey makes this home-style
Honey Rhubarb Cobbler sing with the tastes of spring. I'm thinking this will be perfect after a roast dinner. Topped with vanilla bean ice cream, of course! For something really special, consider roasting rhubarb, check out my blog
here for how to. It's delicious on ice cream or frozen yogurt and totally delicious served roasted or grilled meats. And when the rhubarb in your garden finally comes in and you've had way to much of it, freeze it for a refreshing taste of spring all year long. Click
here for instructions.
