New labelling rules crackdown on fake maple syrup

New labelling rules crackdown on fake maple syrup
Maple producers and governments wants to make sure you are getting the real, sweet syrupy deal when you buy maple syrup. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is working with counterparts in the U.S., and industry partners to change the way maple syrup is labeled in North America,
according to the Canadian Press. The new universal labelling system will help weed out syrup imposters, which can sometimes be just sugar and water.
Best Buttermilk Pancakes/Photography by Ryan Szulc
The rules will also include a new description for the syrup grades, so you know the difference between ‘No 1’ and ‘No 2’ syrups when you see them on the shelves. According to the Canadian Press, the labeling rules will take about two years to be implemented. I’m from Eastern Ontario where everyone and their mother makes maple syrup. So I grew up drowning my pancakes in the sticky stuff and indulging in melt-in-your-mouth maple candy. But I know some people prefer corn syrup or Saskatoon berry syrup on their pancakes. Which do you prefer on your pancakes - maple syrup or something else? Try some of our favourite maple recipes: Best Maple Butter Tarts Maple-Mustard Pork Fajitas Canadian Maple-Glazed Doughnuts Maple Fudge Maple Mincemeat Turnovers