How to wash and store herbs (and other leafy greens)

How to wash and store herbs (and other leafy greens)
I love having fresh herbs on hand, but it's super annoying to reach for a quick handful of fresh herbs when they're still caked with dirt. To save yourself some hassle, follow these simple instructions so your fresh herbs (or other leafy greens) ready when you are: 1)
Wash your herbs and lettuce thoroughly. To do this, fill a large bowl or clean sink with cold water and leave your herbs or lettuce to sit for at least a few minutes. Keep changing and re-filling your bowl until all the dirt has been washed away. 2)
Gently lift the herbs into a colander (the dirt sinks to the bottom, leaving your herbs or lettuce closer to the top);
shake off excess water and let dry (Tip: use a salad spinner if your herbs aren't too delicate). 3)
Place a layer of paper towel down on a clean, flat surface.
Spread herbs on top (see picture below). Starting at short end,
roll up. 4)
Refrigerate in resealable bag or container for up to 1 week.
