Rolling up cutlery in a napkin ("
roll-ups" as they are called in the restaurant industry) is a convenient way to
corral the essential utensils needed for enjoying an informal meal. I like to make these for buffet-style meals or basically any gathering in the summer. They're super simple to make and can be
done well in advance of when the guests arrive.
Here's how to do it:
Fold napkin in half into a triangle.
Stack cutlery and place in middle of long edge.
Fold over both corners, overlapping the ends. Starting at the flat side,
roll up tightly.
Secure with a ribbon if desired.

This works equally well with cloth or paper napkins. I like to put the roll-ups
in a basket placed near the plates so everyone can grab one as they gather their food.
Tip: Always make a couple extra roll-ups than number of guests, just in case.
Photography by Leah Kuhne