How to clean a blender (without cutting yourself)

How to clean a blender (without cutting yourself)
Blenders are a great kitchen appliance, but the tiny blades at the bottom can make them dangerous to clean if you don't know how.
As a rule, you never want to reach down all the way to try to clean the blades of your blender and this trick will not only save you time, but it will also keep your hands safe.
Here's how you do it: 1) Immediately rinse out your blender before anything has a chance to dry and get stuck on. 2) Fill your blender 1/3 full with warm water; add a small amount of dish soap (I use about 1/2 teaspoon). 3) Put the lid back on your blender and blitz until you see most of the food loosen from the sides and bottom; this may take a minute depending on how dirty your blender is. 4) Using a sponge, the lid and top of your blender a good scrub; rinse and let dry.
