Help! My brown sugar has hardened - what do I do?

Help! My brown sugar has hardened - what do I do?
Does this sound familiar? You open your pantry looking for brown sugar only to find it has hardened into a big sugar rock.
Now what? There's no need to panic, your sugar has just lost some of its moisture causing it to harden and all you need to do is put some of it back before you can use it again. This is a quick fix that will allow you to measure out the amount of brown sugar you need for your recipe. It isn't a permanent fix and your sugar is likely to harden again, so if it does, just repeat this process.
Here's how you do it: 1) Place your sugar in a
microwave-safe bowl. 2) Cover the sugar with a
damp paper towel and
cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
Microwave on high until soft enough to break apart, 15 to 20 seconds. 3) Uncover and
break apart with hands.
Want to avoid this situation? Check out my previous blog to find out how to keep your brown sugar fresh by clicking
