A Crack in the Pumpkin Pie

A Crack in the Pumpkin Pie
I'm going with another question for today's blog post because it is seasonal. Plus, I've had four different people ask me this question today so I think other bakers out there might be interested.
Lora asks me: "What is the secret to baking a pumpkin pie without that awful split/crack forming in the custard portion?"
Christine answers: There’s a few reasons why a crack can develop in a pumpkin pie. It's possible that it has been over baked. You can try cooking it for 5 to 10 minutes less. The centre should be just set and there should still be a little jiggle in the middle of the pie. Don’t worry about it being under baked, the custard will continue to cook as the pie cools.
The other possibility is that the pie has cooled down too quickly. When you remove the pie from the oven, place it on a metal cooling rack and allow it to cool at room temperature, away from drafts, until it is completely cooled.
Finally, I always mix my pie filling by hand so that I do not incorporate too much air into the mix. Don’t whip the eggs because they will expand in the oven and cause the pie to rise up and when it cools it will deflate, possibly causing a crack.
Anyone who bakes a fantastic thanksgiving pie or dessert, send me a digital pic at and I'll post a thanksgiving round up next week!
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