4 food-themed iPhone cases

4 food-themed iPhone cases
If your love of food goes beyond your kitchen walls, this post will be right up your alley! Here in the Test Kitchen, most of us carry numerous
food-themed accessories.They each act as a small indication of how much we think about all things food-related on any given day! These phone cases certainly meet my requirements when it comes to everyday accessories: beautiful, whimsical and about a subject I never tire of. They are all available via the online site
Etsy, which is an incredible resource for all things homemade. Which one is your favourite? I think I may have to add the
pomegranate case to my accessories collection very soon!
From Top to bottom: {1} Macaron Phone Case {2} Sweet Candy Case {3} Ice Cream Sandwich Case {4} Pomegranate Phone Case ; Photography courtesy of Etsy
