3 great uses for kitchen tongs

3 great uses for kitchen tongs
There are a few tools that I use almost everyday in the kitchen. Tongs are definitely one of them! I especially love silicone tongs -- they're
nonstick, super easy to clean and ideal for a multitude of kitchen tasks. Of course, I use them to cook vegetables or protein, to toss salads or to retrieve warm ingredients from a skillet or stockpot (like a bay leaf from a soup). But they are also great for other small, more unusual tasks.
Here are 3 less common ways to make the most of your kitchen tongs:
1. use them to squeeze out the very last drops of any kind of citrus by firmly pressing onto the tongs and compressing the fruit
2. use them to stabilize warm chicken or steak while you slice it
3. use them to reach something (light) that's stored high up on a shelf (like a box of cereal)
Photography by Jennifer Bartoli
