Fashion & Beauty
Hair advice that professionals swear by
It pays to talk to the pros!
Colin D. Ford, Artistic and educational director for Kérastase Paris

"The biggest mistake women make is using the incorrect hair-care products for their hair style, which can leave mid-lengths and ends looking dry. A professional consultation will [determine] what hair-care regimen is best."
Stacey Staley, Founder and creative director of Blonde in Toronto

"Make sure you're rinsing your hair correctly. That means spending between two and three minutes in the shower rinsing both your shampoo and your conditioner. Contrary to popular belief, warm water isbetter for rinsing products. Then, finish with a 60-second cool rinse to add shine."
Danilo, Global ambassador for Pantene and celebrity stylist

"Hair needs all the help it can get. It needs added moisture, emollients, supportive structures. Treat your hair like you do your skin."