Is Last Year's Sunscreen Safe To Use?

Photo by Mikhail Nilov, Pexels
Is Last Year's Sunscreen Safe To Use?
At the start of every summer, we tend to reach for last year’s bottle of sunscreen in the back of our cupboard. But will it protect you against UV rays?
At the start of every summer, we tend to reach for last year’s bottle of sunscreen in the back of our cupboard. But will it protect you against this year's UV rays?
Sunscreen can be subject to a whole host of climatic and environmental hazards during the summer. There are those days when it lays in the sun at the beach, it’s forgotten in a hot car or left out in the backyard through a heatwave. All of these scenarios can impact the safety and effectiveness of your sunscreen.
Why You shouldn't use last year's sunscreen
Just like standard cosmetic products, sunscreen has a lifespan once it’s open. You can usually find it on a logo of a jar with an open lid and a number affixed to it, usually between six and 12 months. Beyond that time frame, the sunscreen cannot promise effectiveness. The more sunscreen comes into contact with air, the quicker it becomes ineffective.
It’s better to buy a new bottle of sunscreen to ensure you’re well-protected from harmful UV rays.
These are our favourite sunscreens for your face.
Want to avoid wasting your sunscreen this year? Use it every day, not just on vacation or super sunny afternoons.
Our Sunscreen Picks
Garnier Ombrelle Complete Dry Touch Sunscreen, SPF 60, Amazon, $20
Sun Bum SPF 30 Sun Protection Stick, Amazon, $15
Neutrogena Clear Face SPF 50, Amazon, $15
Vichy Capital Soleil SPF 60 Mineral Sunscreen, Amazon, $38
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