Fashion & Beauty

The key to Jennifer Garner's beautifully natural look

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

The key to Jennifer Garner's beautifully natural look

DSC_2147 Here in the beauty department, we’re big fans of makeup. We love the transformative quality of a bold lip and the expressive line of a cat-eye. But every once in a while, we take a cue from Neutrogena spokesperson and actress Jennifer Garner, whose embrace of a more natural look is always beautiful. Though ditching your makeup might seem like a chance to be lazy about your skincare, your face is even more on display, so it’s essential that you take care of it. Jennifer, whose go-to beauty look is “just clear skin,” sticks to a routine that is familiar and simple. “I wash, I put on sunscreen, and then at the end of the day I wash and put on moisturizer,” says Jennifer, "I really love Neutrogena Ultra Sheer." Knowing what your skin needs to stay healthy and vibrant is important—as is sunscreen and moisturizer. We’re all hoping to keep our skin dewy and fresh for as long as possible, so protecting against the sun's damaging (and aging) rays is essential. USh_SSLtn_062600400215_SPF45

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen, $15,

Skin damage is the result of UVA and UVB rays. “UVB (burning) rays are the cause of skin reddening and sunburn, tend to damage the skin’s top layers and play a key role in the development of skin cancer,” says Dr. Paul Cohen of the Rosedale Dermatology Centre in Toronto. “UVA (aging) rays penetrate the skin more deeply than UVB, and have long been known to play a major part in skin aging and wrinkling.” Although that hit of Vitamin D might put a jump in your step, the sun is definitely no help to your skin—especially if less or no makeup is your look. Though you might feel that with the sun and a slight tan help you achieve a beautiful and natural glow, it’s best to stay away from tanning at all. Dr. Cohen  suggests that “for people that really want a summer tan, I’m a huge fan of self-tanners and makeup that helps deliver colour without the damage and harm from the sun.” Though daring to go bare isn’t for everyone, we love Jennifer’s approach to beauty. “I feel the prettiest when my face is just clean, simple. Nothing standing out too much. Just really neutral colours. The thing that’s prettiest on every woman is her own natural skin.” Read more on Jennifer Garner's take on tanning, and for more beauty info, visit our Style Desk blog.


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Fashion & Beauty

The key to Jennifer Garner's beautifully natural look
