Fashion & Beauty

The (Beauty) Wedding Countdown

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

The (Beauty) Wedding Countdown

Are you tying *the knot* this summer or fall? One of my closest friends, Jacqueline, is getting married tomorrow and while I'm obviously delighted, I'm also so curious about what's involved when it comes to nailing down the final details. Frankly put, I'm less concerned about what time dinner starts and more interested in what nail polish she's planning on wearing. [caption id="attachment_3149" align="aligncenter" width="284" caption="Jacqueline and her betrothed, Danny."] picture-54[/caption] Luckily, she's one of the most easy going people around — no Bridezilla here. Heck, the girl's so laid back she's even doing her own makeup (and no, she didn't copy Kate Middleton) for the big day. There's no spray tan,  glycolic peel, laser hair removal session, last-minute cut and colour or even a facial stamped on her dance card. She's simply booking a mani/pedi today, and having her hair done the morning of the wedding. [caption id="attachment_3152" align="aligncenter" width="140" caption="Essie Nail Polish in Apertif ($8), a classic cherry red."] Essie Nail Polish in Apertif, a classic and creamy red[/caption] For her pedicure, she's sticking with a classic cherry red. She's slipping her teeny toes into a pair of Manolo Blahniks and a soft (but not predictably bridal-y ballet) pink, with the most adorable name ( BFF Best Boy Friend by Essie).

[caption id="attachment_3154" align="aligncenter" width="141" caption="Essie Nail Polish in BFF Boy Best Friend ($8), a super soft, shimmer-free mauve."] Essie Nail Polish in BFF Best Boy Friend ($8), a super soft mauve[/caption]

As for her makeup, she's going classic (think Grace Kelly) by highlighting her brows, accentuating her cheeks and using a rosy gloss with a hint of gold on her lips. She's using Guerlain Kiss Kiss in Rose Florida. There's a photo of how gorgeous the shade is over at Temptalia.

[caption id="attachment_3165" align="aligncenter" width="149" caption="Guerlain KissKiss Gloss, $30.50 at Sephora"] Guerlain KissKiss Gloss, $30.50 at Sephora[/caption]

And the rest is a tight-lipped secret.

How did you prep for your wedding day? Do you think wedding planning is getting out of control? Check back Friday when I talk about a different (celebrity) bride getting prepped for her big day. Leave a comment below so I can hear your thoughts.

Images courtesy Flower Child Photography; Essie; Guerlain.


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Fashion & Beauty

The (Beauty) Wedding Countdown
