Fashion & Beauty

Ole Henriksen's Top Five Skincare Secrets

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Ole Henriksen's Top Five Skincare Secrets

Knowing what products  and treatments to use on your skin can be overwhelming. Luckily, I was able to talk to skincare guru Ole Henriksen during his visit to Toronto a few weeks ago. The man behind the brand cleared up my confusion about need-to-know skincare truths. [caption id="attachment_2710" align="aligncenter" width="139" caption="Photo courtesy of Ole Henriksen"] Photo courtesy of Ole Henriksen[/caption] 1. The Eyes Have It: Many of Henriksen's products specifically treat the eyes. Eyes are the most delicate and prone to wrinkles and fatigue. A cream or gel should be used daily to keep elasticity and eliminate dark circles. Henriksen has a thing for eyes - he wouldn't stop complimenting me on mine and insisted I try the Ultimate Eye Gel. 2. Fun In The Sun: Henriksen suggests applying sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside: SPF 15 for running errands in the city and SPF 30 or more if you're at the beach all day. "Even if a product is water-resistant, you may lose a little bit when you perspire, so be generous," says Henriksen. 3. On The Run: Henriksen suggests three steps for a quick program: a gentle cleanser, sunscreen and an eye cream. "Don't worry about cutting some steps; it's about following a routine because doing things faithfully render the best results," says Henriksen. 4. Don't Be Fake: Many of the ingredients in Henriksen's products are natural such as avocado oil, green tea and sea salt. Why choose a skincare product with natural ingredients? They aren't harsh and are less likely to irritate your skin. 5. Don't Listen To Lies: If you find a great product, stick to it. One of the biggest skincare myths according to Henriksen is switching products because your skin builds up immunity to its benefits. Ole Henriksen products are available at Sephora and his website.


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Fashion & Beauty

Ole Henriksen's Top Five Skincare Secrets
