Fashion & Beauty

Kate Middleton's gorgeous hair is a "nightmare" according to Prince William

Canadian Living
Fashion & Beauty

Kate Middleton's gorgeous hair is a "nightmare" according to Prince William

tsaiproject-Flickr Kate Middleton may have the most envied hair in the world. But according to Prince William it's a "nightmare" and no one wants to style it! Prince William was visiting one of his patronages today when he asked a hairdresser-in-training if she wanted to do Kate's hair. "He said no one ever wanted to do Kate's hair because it was so long and thick, and it was a bit of an issue," she says. Really, no one wants to do Kate's hair? We thought there would be a long line of people vying to do so. Kate's hair is always making headlines whether it be for a few grey hairs or the fact that she never wears her hair up. But I love this story because it makes Kate and her unflappable hair seem human. Kate fights with her hair just like us. Or at least her hairdresser does. Dealing with thick hair can be tricky. My thick, wavy hair is much like Kate's in texture, though obviously it never looks as good as hers not even close. The key to dealing with thick hair is a good haircut and a rejuvenating hair mask applied at least once a week. And use a good conditioner you actually only need to apply your conditioner to the hair from the neck down, paying special attention to the ends. Now if you want to master the Kate Middleton, follow these tips! Photo courtesy of FlickrCC/tsaiproject  


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Fashion & Beauty

Kate Middleton's gorgeous hair is a "nightmare" according to Prince William
